
$16,000 settlement for a tiny white scar on the inside of the lower lip.  (file# 1313) LF bit her lip when she was in her car at a red light and was hit in the rear.  This photo shows a similar scar but on a male who also bit his lip.  LF had a white scar like in the green outline but as small as the red mark in the blue outline.  I do not have a photo of LF’s scar because it was too small to show in the photo.  This settlement was with State Farm Insurance Co.

scar inside lip from car accident

$100,000 arbitration decision against State Farm awarding the full policy and arbitration fees for a Bronx woman who’s meniscus (in the knee) was torn requiring arthroscopic surgery, when her car was hit in an intersection collision at a stop sign (file# 1467).

$99,000 settlement out of a $100,000 policy for a Bronx woman who’s rotator cuff was torn requiring arthroscopic surgery, when her car was hit in the rear (file# 1476). Settlement with Progressive Insurance.

$100,000 settlement for the full policy for a woman who had a meniscus tear in her knee from a car accident in the Bronx (file# 1460). Settlement with Metropolitan Insurance.

$50,000 settlement for the full policy for a woman who broke her nose when a car door hit her nose (file# 1475). Settled with 21st Century Insurance.

$225,000 settlement out of a $250,000 policy for a man who had TMJ from a car accident (file# 1285).  Settled with GE Auto Insurance (the initial settlement offer was $50,000.

$25,000 settlement for the full policy for a man who had a broken pinky finger when his car was hit in the rear (file# 1326).   Settled with Allstate.

$90,000 settlement out of a $100,000 policy for a man who had 50 stitches over his eye and a fractured thumb (file# 1182).   Settled with Allstate.

Please note that the prior results listed here are representative only and should not be viewed as an assurance of a particular result for your case. Each case must stand on its own facts and circumstances.  Your injury may be worth less or more than the car accident cases shown here.